Meet Phil
Phil Ehr served our nation at home and abroad.
Distinguished Naval Service
Phil Ehr advanced from Navy Seaman to Commander in a 26-year active duty career. He flew reconnaissance in the Cold War, combat support in Desert Storm, and oversaw U.S. combat operations in Allied Force, which was the most intense and sustained combat operation in Europe between World War II and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. On shore duty, Phil provided strategic advice to senior leaders in Washington, Silicon Valley, London, and NATO, including the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Colin Powell; and helped civilian agencies use declassified space technology to improve border security, federal firefighting, and earth science research.
Phil’s first mission in the Navy was the Mariel Boatlift in the Florida Strait rescuing men, women and children who risked their lives escaping brutality in Cuba for freedom and opportunity in America.

Beyond the Navy
After the Navy, Phil taught children the game of chess in schools and fought Russian corruption in the World Chess Federation. Phil also taught British officers in their war college, challenged craven politicians who manipulated Americans with bigotry and lies, and founded a nonprofit to counter disinformation in domestic politics with combat-proven military tactics. Phil recently completed dozens of humanitarian aid delivery missions in Ukraine for people who—like the Cuban exiles he saw four decades earlier—risked it all for freedom.
Phil and Sue, his wife of 28 years, are blessed with two daughters. Phil is running to represent the people of South Miami-Dade and the Florida Keys, because they are suffering from extremism and chaos in Congress. New leadership is needed to solve problems that matter and to defend American freedoms, democracy and prosperity.
To view Phil’s LinkedIn profile CLICK HERE.
Phil’s Priorities

Fight for freedom and democracy at home and abroad

Reduce Florida’s rising cost of living and strengthen Medicare & Social Security

Secure our borders & reform legal immigration

Stop the mass murder epidemic by enacting responsible gun laws

Champion public education and labor unions in Florida

Restore women’s reproductive rights by eliminating government overreach

Protect Florida’s environment by building clean energy & water infrastructure
Phil’s Prospectus

We swore oaths to support and defend the Constitution because we love our families, study history and respect our varied faiths. Upholding freedoms to worship, speak and vote as we choose is the only way to preserve American ideals and achieve a brighter, friendlier Florida. May God bless America.
– Phil Ehr